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Goodbye, Darwin anthology
Storyteller magazine, Volume 13, issue #2
Nocturne magazine, issue #7
Rogue Worlds, issue #14
Back Roads, issue #1
Continuum SF, issue #6
Scifantastic, Volume 2, issue #2
Badass Horror anthology
Dark Doorways anthology
Nocturne magazine, issue #3
Fusing Horizons issue #5
Revelation 3:2
Revelation anthology Volume II
The Horror Express, issue #5
Revelation 1:3
The Blackest Death anthology, Volume II
Revelation 2:4
Here & Now, issue #5/6
The Journal Of Pulse-Pounding Narratives 2
Revelation 2:3
Revelation Volume I
Issue #3 of HOODZ magazine
Revelation 2:2
Issue #29 of Albedo One
Revelation 2:1
Issue #7 of Aesthetica magazine
Issue #5 of Zahir
Issue #2 of Underworlds magazine
Revelation 1:4
Issue #35 of Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine
Issue #4 of Creative Brother's Science Fiction magazine
Issue #27 of Black Petals magazine
Revelation 1:3
Issue #8 of Aoife's Kiss E-zine
Issue #1 of Neo-Opsis magazine
Issue #4 of Dark Animus magazine
Issue #1 of JupiterSF magazine
Issue #42 of Xenos magazine



Published November 2006 in Goodbye, Darwin, an anthology of offbeat science fiction tales from Apodis Publishing. Edited by Cavan Terrill & G. R. C. Lewis.

"Another Marital"


Published November 2006 in volume 13, issue #2, of Canadian general fiction magazine Storyteller Magazine. This classy publication, which first hit the stands all the way back in 1994, is edited by Melanie Fogel.

"The Left Hand of Avarice"


Published November 2006 in issue #7 of defunct UK horror magazine Nocturne. This is my second appearance in this magazine, which is edited by Paul Calvin Wilson of Lighthouse Media One.

"The Sacred Six-Hundred"


Published October 2006 in Issue #14 of Rogue Worlds. Edited by Doyle Wilmoth, this Halloween edition of the magazine is published by SpecFicWorld.

"Replacing Mr Pendleton"


Published September 2006 in the debut issue of Back Roads, a magazine of rural horror published by 1018 Press. Edited by Sam & Josie Hawken.

"Retribution Drive"


Published August 2006 in the summer issue of Continuum SF, an American science fiction magazine edited by William Rupp. Pleased to see that my name made the cover of this issue.

"Losing It"


Published July 2006 in issue #5 of Scifantastic, a UK magazine of speculative fiction edited by Sarah Dobbs. Other contributors include Rhys Hughes and Andrew Hook.

"The Essences"


Published June 2006 in Badass Horror, an anthology of crime-horror edited by Christopher J. Hall & Michael Stone, and published by Dybbuk Press.

"Something Bad"


Published April 2006 in Dark Doorways, an anthology of modern horror edited by James Cooper. Contributors include small press luminaries such as Tim Lebbon, Rhys Hughes, Gary Fry and Gary McMahon.

"All Choked Up"


Published February 2006 in issue #3 of British horror magazine Nocturne, edited by Paul Calvin Wilson of Lighthouse Media One. If you're consider disposing of your spouse, read this first.

"Sea of Thirst"


Published December 2005 in issue #5 of UK speculative fiction magazine Fusing Horizons, edited by Gary Fry. This marks the only appearance of this tale of a botched mob execution in a Nevada wheatfield.



Reprinted December 2005 in Revelation 3:2, the American magazine of apocalyptic fiction brought to you by the Fourth Horseman Press. Edited by Brian A. Dixon.

"Combustible Eden", "Extreme Sport" & "Exiles"


Reprinted November 2005 in Revelation Volume II, the latest yearly anthology published by Fourth Horseman Press. Edited by Brian A. Dixon.



Published October 2005 in issue #5 of The Horror Express, edited by Marc Shemmans. Fellow contributors include such genre titans as Neil Gaiman, Shaun Hutson, Bentley Little and Graham Masterson.

"Losing It"


Published October 2005 in Revelation 3:1 by Fourth Horseman Press. Edited by Brian A. Dixon. This tale of a nanobotic solution to global famine gone wrong marks my sixth appearance on the bouce in this magazine.

"The Empire of Sleep"


Published June 2005 in the much-anticpated The Blackest Death Volume II horror anthology, published by Black Death Books. Contributors include Lavie Tidhar and Brian W. Keen.



Published June 2005 in Revelation 2:4 by the Fourth Horseman Press. This insurgent magazine of apocalyptic fiction is edited by Brian A. Dixon and co-edited by Adam Chamberlain.



Published May 2005 in the double issue numbers #5/6 of Here & Now magazine, edited by Jenny Barber. Contributors include Paul McAvoy, Gary McMahon and the late Eugie Foster.

"The Left Hand of Avarice"


Published April 2005 in the wildly original The Journal of Pulse-Pounding Narratives 2, edited by Alex Irvine and Thom Davidsohn. Contributors include Paul Finch and Jeffery Ford.

"Extreme Sport"


Published March 2005 in Revelation 2:3, an American magazine of apocalyptic fiction edited by Brian A. Dixon. Brought to you by the Fourth Horseman Press.



Published February 2005 in British horror magazine Thirteen, edited by Andrew Hannon. I spent all of 1998 thinking about this story during my daily commute to work, but only wrote it after I changed jobs.

"Retribution Drive" and "Parish Politics"


Reprinted December 2004 in Revelation Volume I, an annual anthology published by Fourth Horseman Press. This marks my first-first appearance in book form. Edited by Brian A. Dixon.

"Colonel Mustard"


Published January 2005 in issue #3 of American crime fiction magazine HOODZ. Edited by Jason Duke. Ken Goldman and Stephen D. Rodgers are among the contributors.

"Combustible Eden"


Reprinted December 2004 in Revelation 2:2, the  magazine of apocalyptic art and literature edited by Brian A. Dixon. This sterling publication is produced by Fourth Horseman Press.



Published October 2004 in issue #29 of of multiple award-winning Irish speculative fiction magazine Albedo One. Featuring Norman Spinrad Alan Dean Foster.

"The Elements"


Reprinted October 2004 in Revelation 2:1, the fifth issue of the American apocalyptic fiction magazine edited by Brian A. Dixon. Published by tghe Fourth Horseman Press.

"A Page Or Two"


Published October 2004 in issue #7 of Aesthetica Magazine, a 'worldwide destination for art and culture', edited by Cherie Federico. Based in the UK, this exemplary publication has a worldwide readership of 400,000.

"Resting Place"


Published October 2004 in issue #5 of American speculative fiction magazine Zahir. Edited by Sheryl Tempchin. Fellow contributors include Patrick Lynch, Simona Ruiz and Gregory Story.

"The List"


Published September 2004 in Underworlds issue #2, edited by Sean Wallace and William P. Simmons. This story of criminal betrayal represents my first ever sale to an American market, despite an eighteen-month delay in publication.

"Parish Politics"


Published July 2004 in Revelation 1:4, the fourth issue of the American apocalyptic magazine edited by Brian A. Dixon. Brought to you by Fourth Horseman Press.

"The Coldest Fish in the Barrel"


Published June 2004 in issue #35 of American crime and mystery magazine Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine. This story actually made the secret longlist for the Edgar Allan Poe Awards, which was published by accident later that year.



Reprinted May 2004 in issue #4 of the now-defunct American speculative fiction magazine Creative Brother's Science Fiction. Edited by Cecil Washington.

"The Elements"


Published April 2004 in issue #27 of American speculative fiction magazine Black Petals. Edited by Kenneth James Crist. Contributors include James Cain, Sarah Benkin and Lee Clark Zumpe.

"Retribution Drive"


Published March 2004 in Revelation 1:3, the third issue of the American apocalyptic magazine edited by Brian A. Dixon. This tale marks my first of ten appearances in this wonderful magazine.

"The Horror at Hampstead Garden Suburb"


Published March of 2004 in issue #8 of American e-zine Aoife's Kiss. Not to be confused with the print version of the same publication, which has different content. Edited by Tyree Campbell.

"Closet Business"


Published October 2003 in issue #1 of new Canadian science fiction magazine Neo-Opsis. Produced by husband and wife team Karl and Stephanie Johanson.



Published August 2003 in issue #4 of Australian speculative pulp magazine Dark Animus. The astounding cover art by ridiculously talented French painter Hervé Scott Flament is based on my story.

"Combustible Eden"


Published July 2003 in issue #1 of British science fiction magazine Jupiter, a full six years after my debut in Xenos, which turned out to be a bit of a false dawn. Edited by Ian Redman.



Published April of 1997 in issue #42 of 'Literary Science Fiction/Fantasy Forum' Xenos. My very first published short story. Also featured are tales by Cherith Baldry and David L. Stone, both of whom went on to have careers as novelists. Edited by Stephen and Rita Copestake.

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